Attorney SC020325

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Attorney SC020325

State of Missouri Jefferson City, Missouri, United States

Job Description:

Attorney SC020325


This position is located at 200 Madison Street, Jefferson City, MO 65102

The Missouri Public Service Commission regulates investor-owned electric, natural gas, steam, water and sewer utilities in Missouri, in addition to manufactured housing. We ensure that Missourians receive safe and reliable utility services at just, reasonable and affordable rates. The Staff Counsel Department represents the Commission Staff in matters relating to utility regulation before the Missouri Public Service Commission. Commission Staff is comprised of finance and industry-specific professionals. In addition to litigation, its duties include providing legal advice and guidance to Staff members, researching up-and-coming growth in areas such as energy efficiency and developing technology, and shaping future policy.

Minimum Qualifications:

The State of Missouri offers an excellent benefits package that includes a defined pension plan, generous amounts of leave and holiday time, and eligibility for health insurance coverage. Your total compensation is more than the dollars you receive in your paycheck. To help demonstrate the value of working for the State of Missouri, we have created an interactive Total Compensation Calculator. This tool provides a comprehensive view of benefits and more that are offered to prospective employees. The Total Compensation Calculator and other applicant resources can be found here .


$76,293-$87,336 per Year
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